Publishing Latest CDN, Storage and Transit Pricing May 9th, At CDN Summit

On May 9th, at the Content Delivery Summit in NYC, I will once again present the latest CDN pricing data that I have recently collected from customers. I will also give out storage pricing this year, something I haven’t done in quite a while and also cover the latest DIY trends, competitive landscape and potential market growth rates for the CDN industry. In addition, I will have a separate presentation on transit pricing as well, from the major carriers in the U.S. (AT&T, CenturyLink, Cogent, GTT, Hurricane Electric, Level 3, NTT, Sprint, Verizon, XO) and discuss where I think that pricing is headed.

You can register online using promo code 200DR16 and can get a discounted ticket for only $495. #cdnsummit