Patent Reform Ruling Will Affect All IP Video Industries

Excellent, excellent article by David Kappos today over at BusinessWeek Online talking about the need for patent reform. David gives details on the upcoming ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that is likely to have big implications for everyone affected by patents, including the online video industry.

I have been doing a lot of work for the past few years on patent litigation issues as it pertains to patents covering many different forms of digital media distribution to many different IP based devices. Having worked on numerous cases, I’ve been able to see first hand just how much our industry is being affected by patents and more importantly, the patent system. Without a doubt, the U.S. patent system is hurting many industries, not just our own.

Please read the article and keep yourself informed of what is taking place regarding patent litigation for our industry. It not only has an affect on you but in many cases it also affects your customers. I get many calls from your customers asking me patent related questions or even just a general overview of what is taking place. While I am happy to answer as many of these questions as possible, you still need to be aware from at least a high-level of what is going on and should be able to speak to your customers about what is taking place.