Which Ad Formats Have The Greatest Ability To Help Content Owners Monetize Content?

For all the buzz about online video advertising, most content owners have yet to be able to turn their online video from cost center to profit center. Still, strong signals suggest that video monetization is around the corner, provided content owners don't pull back in today's economy. On November 2nd at the Streaming Media West show in LA, a panel of experts will discuss what it will it take to reach that tipping point and which ad formats have the greatest ability to help content owners monetize content. Confirmed speakers for the panel include:

  • Moderator: Mark Robertson, Founder, ReelSEO
  • Ketan Babaria, Senior Product Manager, PayPal
  • Mark Marvel, Senior Director, Video Monetization, MSNBC.com
  • Chris Ficarra, VP, SVP, Integrated Marketing, MTVN Music Group – Digital
  • Brad Murphy, Chief Revenue Officer, Revision3

You can register online for the Streaming Media West show and get $300 off by using my personal discount code of DRF1. Have a question about the show? Someone you want to meet? Reach out to me and I'll be happy to make an introduction.