How Can Original Web Content Be Monetized?

As web content continues to grow and mature due to technological advances and audience awareness, the question still exists of how to monetize it, whether via funding, sponsorship, or other strategies. At the Streaming Media West show on November 2nd, join a panel of web content creation experts as they discuss the various ways content creators can successfully profit from their work. Confirmed presenters include:

  • Moderator: Jenni Powell, New Media Consultant (LonelyGirl15, The Guild, Legend of Neil)
  • Tony Valenzuela, Director, BlackBoxTV (The Philip DeFranco Show, 2009: A True Story)
  • Susan Miller, Executive Producer, Writer, Anyone But Me (L Word, Thirtysomething)
  • Steve Woolf, Director of Content Development, West Coast,
  • Mike Rotman, CEO, Founder, Streamin Garage

Additional discussion topics will include branded entertainment, sponsorships, the use of transmedia elements to extend the audience experience, and unique and creative ways to garner funding. You can register online for the Streaming Media West show and get $300 off by using my personal discount code of DRF1. Have a question about the show? Someone you want to meet? Reach out to me and I'll be happy to make an introduction.