Few Speaking Spots Open At Streaming Media Conference

The program for the Streaming Media West show, taking place November 17-18 in Huntington Beach CA, is 99% done, but a few speaking spots remain open. If you are interested in being considered, I have a few spots left on two round tables. Please contact me ASAP.

    1. Tuesday, November 17th 2014
      Predicting The Winners and Losers Of The Streaming Device Market
      This session will focus on the popular streaming devices in the market today, including dongles, smart TVs, consoles, and mobile devices. Panelists will discuss the crowding of the streaming device market over the past two years and touch on the devices that are gaining more consumer traction than others. Hear what viewer habits are driving some streaming devices to outgrow others, especially for millenials who value the social aspect of watching premium content with friends as much as they value their ability to cut the cord. Learn what the future of digital entertainment in a multiscreen world will look like and which devices will dominate the market.
    2. Wednesday, November 18th 2015
      Bye-Bye Browser: Product Strategy For OTT and TVE In The Post-PC Era
      This session will discuss how TV Everywhere and OTT providers are adapting their product roadmaps to meet changing consumer behavior. The discussion will focus on how to manage PC-centric services that are in decline, mobile services that generate high traffic, but low monetization, and fragmented connected TV devices where there is no clear winner. We will discuss apps vs. web, single vs. multiple apps, hybrid billing models, in-app upgrades and why competition is a good thing.