4K Streaming: Cost, QoS, and Cutting Through The Hype

sm-west-arowsIt seems every year the online video space is inundated with the next big thing and a push toward the latest technology must-have. In years past, we saw pushes for 3D streaming and HEVC; this year, it’s all about 4K. At the Streaming Media East show, taking place next week in NYC, we will cut through the 4K hype and discuss what real-world impact 4K could have and what the requirements really are to stream in 4K. Hear from experts from various sides of the industry to get some clarity on what 4K will cost content owners to implement, how QoS will be addressed, and what the future may hold for 4K streaming.

  • Moderator: Matt Smith, Chief Evangelist, Anvato
  • Will Law, Chief Architect, Media Division, Akamai
  • Ian Trow, Senior Director Emerging Technology & Strategy, Harmonic
  • Joe Einstein, VP, Operations, AEG Digital Media

It’s not too late to get a pass to the show and readers of my blog can register using my own personal discount code of 100DR, which gets you a two-day ticket to the show for only $695 and gives you access to 40 sessions and how-to presentations and 100+ speakers. You can also register for an exhibits only pass and get access to the show floor, both keynotes and all the networking events, at no charge. #smeast