Speakers Wanted: Will Internet TV Accelerate Online Video’s Growth or Keep Television Stronger than Ever?

I've just added a new session to the Streaming Media East program, taking place May 15-16 in NYC and have opened it up to speaker suggestions. Below are details on the session and if you're interested in being considered to speak on this round-table panel, please send me an email with a pitch.

Will Internet TV Accelerate Online Video's Growth or Keep Television Stronger than Ever?
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
While cord cutting has yet to make any real impact on the cable TV business, in the future all devices will be connected and more content choices will be available. Traditional television still remains as strong as ever while online video has, in some ways, failed to disrupt the broadcast industry. In this session, content owners and CE manufactures will debate whether over-the-top (OTT) connected devices and platforms will accelerate the flow of consumers away from television and onto the web and outline what OTT services have the best shot at disrupting cable TV.