Call For Speakers Now Open For 2011 Streaming Media East and CDN Summit

Smeast-cdnsummit The call for speakers is now open for the 2011 Streaming Media East show, May 10th-11th in NYC and the Content Delivery Summit, taking place the day before on May 9th, 2011. If you are interested in being considered as a speaker or presenter, please submit a request via the show website. The deadline to submit is the end of this month. I get about 1,000 submissions and only have about 150 speaking spots so getting a submission in on-time is crucial.

Everyone always wants a speaking spot but I simply don't have enough to go around. The key is to get a submission in on-time and for vendors, introduce us to customers. 75% of the speaking spots go to content owners and end-users, the companies who buy and use online video services. I always need introductions to new customers.

If you are interested in potentially moderating a session, please contact me ASAP and I'll be happy to discuss your ideas. I am ALWAYS looking for good moderators.

If you have any questions about a submission, ideas you want to run by me, thoughts on what you can do to help the show, call me at anytime at 917-523-4562. I pick up my phone 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am always reachable. If you want to be involved in the show in some way, now is the time to pitch me ideas and suggestions as I will have locked down the advance program by the end of January.