More Devices Coming To The Market To Challenge Apple TV, Netflix The Big Winner

While Apple TV was the latest device to get all the attention last week, I know of at least four yet to be announced devices that will come to the market within the next sixty days that will put pressure on Apple's desire to control the living room. These new devices, priced at under $100, will have more functionality than the Apple TV. When you add these devices along with the soon to be released Boxee box and Google TV Revue unit by Logitec, the next few months leading up to the holiday season is going to see an explosion of broadband enabled devices for the living room. A year ago, I was using and testing about eight devices in my living room. By the end of this year, that number will be over twenty.

Of course the one company that really makes out well in all of this is Netflix, as it probably won't surprise anyone to hear that their streaming service will be available on these new devices. On November 2nd, at the Streaming Media West show in LA, I am going to be doing a device showdown presentation where I will show how many of these devices work and showcase the content that's available on them. I can't mention all the devices I will be featuring as some of them aren't yet announced, but I will be doing demos with six or seven devices and letting attendees get hands on with the hardware.

I am opening up this special session at the show to everyone, for free, so all you need to do is register online for a free exhibits pass and you are in. I'll also be doing some giveaways after the session and handing out some of the devices to the audience.