I Need Help: Get Paid To Help Program Sessions At Streaming Media East 2008

As the Streaming Media East and West shows continue to grow each year, it is getting harder and harder for me to program over 110 speakers and nearly 40 sessions per show all by myself. This year, I am looking to hire 2-3 people who are experts in a particular vertical of this industry who would like to help AND have the expertise that is needed to organize a topic with a few speakers/presenters.

I’m looking for individuals who are experts in a particular facet of the industry like advertising, content creation, video workflow, content monetization etc… or are experts in a particular vertical of the market like media, broadcast, enterprise, entertainment etc…. and are willing to create 2-3 session topics around a particular subject or vertical. You would have the ability to create the session topics, discussion focus, decide on the format and organize and select all of the speakers along with my input.

You would not have to moderate the 2-3 sessions but could if you wanted to. You would have a lot of free reign to really design the entire session and this would be your chance to really help shape the discussions around a topic of interest to you. We’ll promote you as the person who organized the sessions and pay you well for your time.

The ideal candidates would be those who are well versed in how to organize a discussion or presentation subject and know who the most engaging speakers and companies are that should be represented. This spot is ideal for bloggers who cover a particular topic in this space. Think of it as a way to organize your own mini-show inside of the bigger show and have the ability and responsibility to be a thought leader around a subject that is important to you.

Also, if you don’t want to take on as much work, but would like to
possibly organize just one session, I am open to that as well and you
should contact me ASAP. The advance program is due in nearly 4-5 weeks
and I need to confirm the session topics. QUALITY moderators are desperately needed. It is still hard to find those who know the role of a moderator, present well, frame the topic of the session properly, keep the discussion on point and keep others on the panel engaging.

Bottom line, I need help. The East 08 show will mark the 12th show I am having to program and I think  input from others in the industry is needed to really help shape the show and the industry moving forward. This is YOUR show, I am open to ideas and suggestions and thank anyone who is willing to help.