Looking For Speakers: HTML5 And Web Video Standards

I think it's a safe bet that one of the most popular panels at the Streaming Media East show in May will be on the topic of HTML5 and the the debate on whether it will impact on the video market any time soon. I'm looking for some really good speakers for this panel who want to talk about the pros and cons of HTML5 as it pertains to video and have the technical expertise to talk about the subject from all angles. I'm also looking for a REALLY hardcore moderator who knows the technology inside out.

I've read some really good blog posts about the topic lately and if you've come across a post by a blogger you think would be a good moderator or speaker, please put it in the comments section below. So if you are interested, or think you know of someone who would be great on the panel, please send me an email asap. Here are the details on the session:

HTML5 And Web Video Standards – Tuesday May 11, 2010 – 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
As video becomes increasingly important on the web, content providers, browser developers, and end users can no longer afford to have the primary video delivery mechanisms locked up in standards that cannot be adapted to new environments. This is especially true for emerging trends such as mobile video and cross-device video technologies. HTML5 Video might be the answer, and we'll discuss what it is, the challenges it's facing, and how it affects other formats such as Flash and Silverlight, as well as how leading platforms and web giants such as Google, Mozilla, and Apple are supporting it.